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Arthritis Society - Interior Region

"For people with arthritis, learning to make it part of your life can be difficult. The Arthritis Society - Interior Region encourages all people living with arthritis to be informed and involved in their treatment and to be active participants when it comes to leading as healthy a life as possible (" This is where volunteers really help!

Utilizing volunteers, The Arthritis Society - Interior Region offers a four part educational series titled, "Take Charge of Your Arthritis." This free workshop aims to help those living with arthritis to take control of the chronic pain and provide strategies that may be useful in managing its progression. However, the program needs interested workshop facilitators to deliver the program. With training, facilitators deliver the workshop to large and small groups of those living with arthritis and their family members within the interior region.

In particular facilitators living or willing to travel to Vernon and/ or Penticton, as well as other outlying communities in the region, are required but all interested parties should contact the Arthritis Society for a fall training date.

Does this opportunity Volinspire you? Are you ready to get involved and make a difference in the lives of others?

Contact if you would like more information on this opportunity.